Aikido – A Japanese Internal Martial Art
“The union of self with the primordial energy”- this is the common goal that brings together Aikido, a Japanese martial art and Yoga, an ancient Indian discipline. Developed by Morihei Ueshiba, Aikido is a blend of his martial studies, philosophy and religious beliefs. Having synonymous fundamentals allowed us to effectively understand and experience Aikido, the subtle art that harnesses internal energy rather than muscle power.
As in Yoga, Aikido gives equal emphasis to both physical and mental training. The importance of breath control, the necessity of precision in executing the various moves, the principal focus on attaining balance are all common features seen in both the disciplines.
Watch this video to understand how the Aikido master, Trân Trọng, uses his internal energy rather than muscle power to push his opponent.
Comparing and contrasting the cultural implications of the two disciplines added to our knowledge ensuring an enriching interaction. We hope to carry forward this interdisciplinary association enabling knowledge transfer that will be mutually beneficial.